Royal British Legion: the living memorial

Remembering the Falklands War, and leaving no hero forgotten

15,356 hand-written postcards. One stunning painting by Falklands war artist, Linda Kitson. United in a powerful tribute to every brave man and woman who served in the Falklands 40 years ago. A reminder to those heroes: we remember what you did. The Royal British Legion remembers. The nation remembers.

One promise.

As the UK’s largest Armed Forces charity, the Royal British Legion promises to never forget those who have served and sacrificed.

But 40 years after the Falklands War, 1 in 3 UK adults couldn’t even remember when the war happened. Let alone that 255 UK and Commonwealth lives were lost.

Unsurprisingly, many Falklands veterans felt forgotten by the country they fought for.

It was up to us to show them differently.

Many lives.

We created a living memorial. A tribute for every single surviving Falklands veteran to see at the National Memorial Arboretum on the 40th anniversary of the conflict.

It started with a simple postcard, sent to RBL supporters across the country. And in weeks, a staggering 15,536 returned to us – each with a handwritten, heartfelt message of thanks on the back.

Together, these became our memorial. On the front, a brand new painting by Linda Kitson, the war artist who originally sailed with British forces. The reverse, alive with thousands of messages of thanks and solidarity from caring people across the UK.

It was a sight that moved many Falklands veterans to tears that day. Simply because we remembered them.


Total money raised:


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Avg. core audience donation:


Postcards received:


Miles to the Falklands:
